Each one of our children is so unique. I love seeing their personalities and preferences develop. I've had some good one on one time with Vivian lately and thought it'd be good to post some pics of her cuteness for you all to enjoy.
Vivian is, at this point, my most free-spirited, independent child. She abruptly weaned herself at 15 months. She does not like to hold hands when we are walking anywhere. She prefers to walk, left thumb firmly in the mouth and explore her surroundings on her own time. She can barely make it from the van into the house without stopping to inspect something. She loves to be rocked and read to almost anytime. She loves playing outside and LOVES to eat sand. :) She loves her "bubby" and her "sissy" and misses them when she is not with them.
Vivian--What a blessing you are to us, little girl! Your daddy and I love you very much. I love your desire to explore and see things from your very own perspective. :) I love your hugs and kisses and I love rocking you in the rocking chair. I love your raspy voice. We are ever thankful to God for you, our Vivi Beth.
xoxoxo Mommy and Daddy
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