Wednesday, February 10, 2010


  • Twins are potty training. Today makes day 6. I've not left the house since Saturday. I've worn non-pajamas one time in four days.
  • My girls will be 2 in less than a month. Time flies when you're having fun. Or should I say, time flies when you're losing sleep! :)
  • My new niece should be here sometime in the next two weeks. I might die from anticipation.
  • Our home study is scheduled for this Friday night. Wow. I cannot believe it is finally here. I hope that our home will be open soon. I cannot wait to have a little baby in this house again.
  • It feels a little selfish to want another child so badly when I've been so blessed with our three.
  • Sometimes I love being a mom so much that I just have to pinch myself.
  • Potty training is not one of those times.
  • In an attempt to avoid going to bed, my sweet four year old son came to me and said, "I feel unwell. I can't take it anymore. I don't want to lay in my bed because it makes my tummy hurt. When I lay in my bed, my tummy tells me to lay in your bed."
  • I have new pics to post, but haven't quite figured out a quirk with my computer.
  • Babies climbing on me. Bye!